American Liberal Bourgeoisie's Fatal Philosophy #tcot #pjnet #ImpeachObama

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It seems that it cannot be stressed or reiterated enough the clear and present dangers of the American liberal bourgeoisie. It is evident that competence is not the goal of this self appointing & self certifying cohort. Their goal is a misdirected objective to elevate the below average, to promote the norm. As if the median or mode could be disloyal to the natural law of mathematics.  The bell curve represents this statistically. The bell curve cannot be transformed, through the will of ideologically into an inverted pyramid.

From the masses climb the capable; those motivated, intelligent, and assimilated who see, understand and recognize 'rules' of human nature & understand that this is the map to success and from that customize a individualized personal route based on their gifts. The one true constant is the successful recognize this one universal pattern.  The 'meritocracy' of human nature rewards those who bring skill-sets & innovation to the table of the American Dream: Those who value  history, heritage, & holiday based on our Judeo-Christian traditions.

It this a treatise against the Indian, Asian, Hindu or Buddhist who desire to contribute to our country and reap the benefits that come with their labors? No. Our Statue of Liberty is not the Statue of Equality.  We are born equal. What we do with it as we are able is no ones responsibility but our own.  The ideal of the Statue of Liberty invites all who desire opportunity and the like minded of those who understand the philosophy of meritocracy come. The level of success to  those who come is fully dependent on their desire to abide by the parameters of the only demand of our meritocracy: assimilation. Of which, a characteristic of our American way is our strong commitment to cling to our guns and religion.  This American Dream grew from the premise of liberty. As such then the level of success is directly proportional to intestinal fortitude, the desire and energy to invest in the pursuit of the American Dream. With each reward having a  natural buoyancy or statistically based level of attainment.  One cannot be a burger flipper and expect the rewards befitting an executive manager can they? We are told we all have gifts and talents. It seems that those who understand using them  to contribute as part of the larger machine,  also understands the dividend of pride for contributing.

Is our specific brand of a meritocracy, titled the American Dream, based on this natural law? We like it when the 'cream rises' to the top. We love the beautiful and talented. We love the skilled, capable and mesmerizing.  We admire the gifted, studious and disciplined.  Yes, because we respect we expect the most capable leaders & innovators, even assist them to the 'top.' We seek them out eagerly when looking to hire. We understand that the body major wants to be a part of and contribute to the whole success.  And we seek out the best of these.

This entire process is reborn daily, hourly. A capable leader envisions the end goal.  This capable leader motivates and coordinates souls & sources toward this specific objective.  Those that help & support in this cooperative achievement share in it's success, each according to their capable contribution.

One aspect of the American Way that I admire so is our historic tendency to eventually 'get things right.' What nation does not err? But our gift to mankind's history is our ability and desire to make right those wrongs. It is ironic that the very 'white old men' who this nation loves to hate these days are the very same who organized, cooperated and established the very system of success that made us the wealthiest, most charitable nation on earth and a nation that desires to and does right the wrongs of yesteryear.

Our Christian heritage taught us this: To be compassionate in our firmness. To care for those who cannot care for themselves. To provide them equal opportunity to succeed. That is our most important obligation to the unfortunate. Yet, America goes well beyond that. We are the most charitable country on the face of the earth, internally and externally. We do, it seems, consider ourselves our brothers keeper.  It seems that the pendulum of greed has swung to far and we have forgotten that the able should work for their sustenance. Perhaps this is one of the negative aspects of diagnosing most everything as a mental disorder? The corporate mental state and it's bureaucratic tendency to grow is constantly awash in new strategies to introduce innovative 'mental disorders' to serve their own end state of success. But this is better left to another analysis.

What the American bourgeoisie did to this natural order is to champion the cause of diversity. The antithesis to assimilation, the promotion to & the joining of the successful, the American Way the dream we here so often now it is cliche'.  The American bourgeoisie's entire existence & movement is founded on coveting. They lust for what they cannot legally possess on their own merit or capability. Coveting the energetic & successful they instead built on evil's temptation of stealing. Take what you do not earn, divy it up among fellow thieves and tell each other that it is justified. Thus breeming with boisterous self congratulation invite further thieves into their fold. Their entire conspiracy is founded on the coalition of the incompetent. Their machiavellian Ponzi scheme exists only because of their abuse of the right to vote.

We vote to promote the morally honest leader, competent in management & math. As in business; to balance the books & follow the law of the Land: The Constitution of the United States of America.  Theirs simply, truthfully does not follow this prime ethos.  There is enough sin in this world and the pain it causes then to allow the irrational adolescent attitude of the American Bourgeoisie a seat at the table of the competent.    

The illogical reasoning and dishonor of thieves is admissible to the rational?  No. It is not.

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