DRAFT Just Released Obama Directive Outlines Use Of Military Against American Citizens | UlstermanBooks.com

Just Released Obama Directive Outlines Used of Military Force Against American Citizens


5/30/2014 Just Released Obama Directive Outlines Use Of Military Against American Citizens | UlstermanBooks.com
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A just published Washington Examiner report had this to say on the subject of the
federal government turning its own armed personnel against its own citizens:
A 2010 Pentagon directive on military support to civilian authorities details what
critics say is a troubling policy that envisions the Obama administration’s potential
use of military force against Americans.
The directive contains noncontroversial provisions on support to civilian fire and
emergency services, special events and the domestic use of the Army Corps of
“This appears to be the latest step in the administration’s decision to use force
within the United States against its citizens,” said a defense official opposed to the
5/30/2014 Just Released Obama Directive Outlines Use Of Military Against American Citizens | UlstermanBooks.com
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Directive No. 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities,” was issued Dec. 29,
2010, and states that U.S. commanders “are provided emergency authority under
this directive.” LINK
This report becoming public certainly puts an even more disturbing light on the
vast quantities of weapons and ammo government agencies have been buying up
since Barack Obama became president, does it not? Millions of rounds, high
powered assault rifles, tanks, and many other assorted combat equipment being
billed to agencies like the USDA, the Postal Service, and the IR S.
It is also interesting to note that while this military directive was being finalized in
2010, there was another very important and controversial bit of legislation being
rammed down the throats of the American people as well.

Ref's pulled:
When can a government kill its own people?
By Tom Cohen, CNN
updated 12:38 PM EST, Tue February 11, 2014

On the Question of Use of Deadly Force against Citizens
Posted on May 29, 2014
From the Washington Times:

Government Uses Lethal Force Against U.S. Citizen on U.S. Soil…
By Steve Vladeck
Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 1:48 PM

Government’s Use of Force Against Its Own Citizens
Sunday Feb 2012
Posted by Steven Greffenius in Democratic Government

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