I gots a serus prob wif dis: Jesse Jackson Jr to get $8,700 Disability/Month in Disability, PLUS Prison Pension #pjnet #ccot #tcot

Jesse Jackson Jr. to Grab $8,700 Per Month in Disability, Plus Pension In Prison - Breitbart

"Convicted Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) is scheduled to receive $8,700 per month in government disability pay, as well as a partial federal pension of $45,000. That generous $8,700 in disability comes thanks to Jackson’s sudden development of a “mood disorder” as the federal government began looking to indict him. Jackson, who was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison, had no history of mental illness during his prior 17 years in Congress. Rev. Jesse Jackson has defended his son’s claims of mental illness, stating to the court, “This time a year ago I thought we may have lost him.”"

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