G2RIP Assessment: Urban / interior niche (home defense) .

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G2RIP eval: Urban/interior (home defense) #usmc #marines #tacticsogre #tacticalurbanism #SEMPERFI #defense #tcot  


Pretty sure it wont be the last round I, "will ever need" but I believe the G2RIP has a place. Can other rounds immediately suppress? Yes. Can other rounds do the job cheaper?  Sure, but it is the only round, I know of, that suppress & "jabs"  Akin to shooting a (small) shotgun shell of buckshot & a slug simultaneously. That's it's niche; suppression w/a pimp slap: .... 

We have to prepare the best response to worst case scenarios. In urban interior situations someone smart balances maximum force techniques while desiring to minimize friendly fire casualties.  In these cases enough attitude changing stopping power w/minimal penetrative punch. Think of it as mixing less than lethal & lethal  (minimum).  

Lets say your working in an Bn Ops COC & you get infiltrators. You want the stop but not the penetration. A sonic ball will punch thru the tent to outside where friendly's are endangered. 

Liken that to home defense. You want the stop as well as minimizing penetration (thru drywall into your kids bedroom). Used to only have one choice sonic ball &/or armor piercing.  Then subsonic ball. Still too much penetration, min suppression. 
Next: subsonic self made dum dums. Unpredictable, punch, min suppression. 
Subsonic hallows? Better, still too much punch awa minimal suppression. 
What we need is a round w/"jab" i.e. high suppression / minimal penetration.  Rat shot suppresses but has no jab. This round offers suppression & jab. Suppression from (frag) and Jab thru the back half of the projectile (plug) w/lout the penetrative punch. Definitely on the urban / room end of spectrum.. 

I recommend stagger loads of  Jab & Punch (2:1), Max jab suppression / min punch penetration.  2  jab, 1 punch ala failure drill (FD).*

Prior to this round I am not aware that this unique combination was available. Now that it is we have a better product available to fill our tactical home defense SOP. By substituting hallow points w/ the G2RIP round. Again, rat shot worx too but the new niche issue here is the added 'jab.' 

I tend toward & recommend training for the worst case scenarios. When those vital first few milliseconds determine whose down & whose standing.  Your entire life's objective, at that moment, is to change the bad guy(s) mind asap about wanting to be in your home.  If you lose this advantage there will be nothing between this home intruder and your family.  Trust me, you will NOT be thinking about minimum force. You will not be considering the home intruders race. You will not be pondering  his motives for being in your home uninvited. 

Your mind clicks into a Maslowian tactical survival mode.** It just happens. Any loving protective husband/father/leader knows what this is. If you dont, you have to recycle yourself to leadership 101 & start from the beginning.  What is happening via autopilot is maneuvering between the bad guys, your loved ones & site picture.  When they do not heed your warning to stop or get out; bang, bang, tap, bang, bang tap, repeat as necessary. until the obj is achieved threat neutralized. 
I dont expect that a "time out" will be called nor lights turned on nor do I recommend turning the lights or using a torch. In either you are now well illuminated identifiable target which makes for a perfect & obvious aiming point. This is your home home! You know it. Use the dark as camo.  

At that moment of truth at least two, mega fast / perhaps not very well aimed attention-getters to the chest (double tap; largest, most available, easiest to hit) will be followed by a 3rd round to the face (failure).  Muscle memory will launch follow on & subsequent failure drills . If your dealing with 2 or more bad guys your talkin minimum of 12-18 rounds in  <10 seconds! 

What are you doing during this <10 seconds of FD's? Maneuvering for the FD that succeeds. Thats what this is all about...an effective FD. They are out or down.  

Thats 6 rds in < 3 seconds &/or 12 rds <10s. A 4 jab minimum & 2 (x2) knockouts. Whatever it takes to insure the bad guy changes his mind asap. My two cent. 
This round seems to fill the 4-15 foot (avg room size) urban/inside niche. 


* Failure Drill USMC (instructor outline). http://www.lejeune.marines.mil/Portals/27/Documents/WTBN/MTU/Preparatory%20Classes/CMC-22%20Immediate%20Target%20Engagement%20Techniques.doc

**Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs

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