#obama Doctrine: Leftist Activism via Executive Order to Replace Liberal Voters #pjnet #ccot #tcot #illegal #immigrants

Since the 2010 population growth estimates (see rate of natural increase & Demographic transition model) were released at the end of 2011 the U.S. growth is expected to seriously slow to European like rates. Although there is speculation of 'other' causes that effect population change. I believe the primary driver is simply our low birth & death rates combined with the more significant impacts of the Bush era immigration (legal & illegal) enforcement policies (awa Obama's "egg shell" walk through first term & 2013) drove down immigration rates. (ref 1)  Note that if these slow population growth patterns estimated effective January 2012 are not reversed then the U.S. would continue the trend toward European like slow rates of population growth for the foreseeable next couple of decades.

I believe Obama's demographers seized on this slow growth seed and has been working on a plan since January 2012 to reverse this European like slow population growth forecast beginning with the "illegal child insurgency" (ICS) we are now experiencing.  

The relevancy of U.S. abortion statistics since Roe v Wade. (2. Delmar 2014). Suffice it to say that the liberals killed off two generations of voters and realized in 2012 they have to have the virtually guaranteed replacement voters that 'amnesty' will garner now that the welcome mat has been rolled out for the ICS 1 liberal voter replacement plan.  

If it is anticipated that Obama et al has any intention of slowing or falling below the current 35k per month per border state estimates (4x: CA, AZ, NM, TX) that, IMHO, would be an error in judgement. I expect that once the administrative wrinkles are smoothed it can only become more efficient.  Which is the expectation. I know competency is questionable but this is a must do for the liberals. The news net pipelines are awash in departmental assets being diverted to handle ICS1 admin & logistics. It also seems evident, through recent news traffic that even FEMA quietly leaned forward into prepping for, at least, ICS1.  The competency issue may even be used for 'cover.' Perhaps even having some talking heads voice the ridiculousness of such expectations. Keep in mind that a less than perfectly prepared for operation(s) is preferred as to maintain or elevate a more crisis like atmosphere which can be nurtured for political benefit (i.e. wag the dog). 

Speaking of wag the dog.... there would be no surprise to learn that the coincidental flair up of the Iraq Falling crisis is certain to draw attention away from plan 'A' as well as the subsequent sudden gas price spike that at the pump certainly will.    

Also consider the tandem vetting of what I consider the super-mutation 'gerrymandering' proposal being floated espousing the break up of California into six states. On the surface it may seem a good thing but not when you consider the effects it will have in the senate. (2. Gary Delmar 2014). Try increasing two liberal senators to 10 or 12. 

After Roe v Wade (RvW) as liberals were engaged in genocide, Conservatives were winning the voter breeding race which may have contributed slightly in landslide Reagon wins and probably in the win of Bush Sr. Around the time of Bush Sr.  scholars & intellectuals began work on breaking the code concerning the sudden drops in urban crime rates (approximately one generation after RvW) across the country. When it was realized that it wasnt any new catch me/kiss me police work but simply due to the absence of an aborted generation. The liberal intellectual's (an oxymoron I know) then realized the pending ramifications would result in the slow population growth expectations reaffirmed in the data of the 2010 census and in the analysis and modelling of 2011.  It is understood that for the general U.S. age cohorts, with such a low RNI (0.5), to maintain symmetry is via a comprehensive immigration policy (I recommend Canada's) that recruits more younger age cohort workers (3. Horowitz 2014).  

In order to use this to their advantage the liberal agenda's resulting plans objective we see in operation today is to, simply put, 'get the jump' on the competition by replacing 35 million+ aborted liberals asap in such a manner as to deter negation. In order to accomplish this momentum is achieved by the all-call put out by the Central & South American governments, relative media resources & humanitarian NGOs. It is unknown at this time the exact method these entities were informed. However, we are seeing what is initial launch and growing waves of what is sure to be a massive & historic albeit (illegal) immigration flow into the U.S. from the border states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona & California. The flow of which I expect is intended to be maintained & increased with time for years (see leadership definition top of blog) in order to meet the end state of at least 35 million 'new' (illegal) immigrants expecting to receive amnesty.  

The crucial cog for success of ICS 1 and the planned for follow-up Amnesty 1, is critically dependent on the U.S. political tendency to NOT stop or roll back previous administration policies, immigration or otherwise, once they have been established.

Summary: Low Birth/Death rates (U.S. 0.5) & slowing of Bush era immigration enforcement predicted European like (slow) growth rates. Amnesty 1 & ICS 1 are stage one evolutions intended to saturate and desensitize the U.S. citizenry by overwhelming them with minors. The dilemma? U.S citizens will be "forced" to accept the minors as dictated by "compassion" or suffer the supposed wrath of being labeled inhuman by making the correct decision managerially in deciding to send them back to their native country or while keeping them detained in the U.S. until such transportation can be arranged. The more likely and hoped for solution (by liberals) is the parents, then immediate family, then extended family members (which will lead to Amnesty 2 & 3) will all be allowed entry because it is the 'compassionate' thing to do. 

Keep in mind as well that Obama et al were and have been fully aware of the negative social ramifications that parallel these initiatives since inception: Gang member/criminal entry, which will increase violent crimes & drug trafficking aided by a lack of Border Patrol agents as 'all available' officers are being transferred to handle the flow of minors.  Because they are the 'priority.'  Note the trends that occur  whenever liberal voters are increased; up surges in crime, drug dealing, drug use,  violence rates and of course increased abortions. (Which have been steadily decreasing.) Though the increase of expected abortions rates have been statistically shown to be offset by the ventures of ICS 1.  

Recommendation/conclusions. Time for the hard calls America. Stop the cog of critical dependence by policy roll-back & impeachment.  
Nixon & Clinton were impeached for far less (Nixon was never indicted & Clinton for having non-sex, sex). We have also sent illegal aliens home enmasse previously (post WWII). 

Questions. What kind of parent lets their children go on a thousand mile journey alone or heaven forbid left to the handling of coyotes? How many were kidnapped and forced into sweat shops in Mexico or worse, sexually abused &/or sold into the human sex traffic industry enroute? Where is the outrage & investigative reporting here? Where is the 'compassion' from the liberals who KNEW there would be "collateral" damage, gangs, criminal insurgency, & the subsequent increase in crimes? 

I have always thought that of the 14 leadership traits that 'courage' was the most important. Without it none of the other 13 can be made manifest. 

beny benson

1. Is the United States Population Heading to Long-Term Deceleration?

2. Liberals Need Amnesty Because Abortion is Killing Their Base. Gary Delmar 2014

     *Induced Abortion in the United States.

3. How do we sustain growth with an aging population?  By Evan Horowitz Globe Staff May 07, 2014 http://www.bostonglobe.com/news/politics/2014/05/07/must-decline-our-population-ages/wBfrU70IJnBAcGZIIuqh2M/story.html

4. Rate of Natural Increase (RNI).

5. Demographic Transition Model (DTM).

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