Obama accepts resignation of VA Secretary Shinseki - The Washington Post

Obama accepts resignation of VA Secretary Shinseki - The Washington Post

OK. A start. Ultimately will the problem be fixed in a reasonable time frame? I expect to see a series of milestones that indicate clearly that the system of  fraud is being rooted out.

This is where private business and government differ.  Executive leadership is not about compassion. It is about systemic efficiency.  If your on board great. If your not...see ya!

Sometimes a leader, especially when stepping into a position has to 'clean house.'

Shinseki was at the VA helm for 6 years (I believe). During his entire tenure this abuse not only continued but flourished and grew.  It can be argued that you cant fix what you do not know about. Fair enough. Lets talk about that.

There are two primary regional VA issues prompting this attention. Texas VA & Arizona. Leadership in both regions should be fired and not replaced by the next highest ranks in line. They go on probation. New leadership is brought in from elsewhere in the system that still have a reputation of integrity. Keep in mind that one of the VA's in the spotlight now had just received an 'award' for efficiency. By fraud of course. We saw what they wanted us to see from the outside.

The VA IG needs to be reassessed. It was aware of the problem. Whistle-blowers have been concerned and frustrated enough to risk their jobs and contact routinely over the years.  Still the VA IG cleared the allegations and declared no wrong doing.   There will always be issues that need attention. Had the VA IG truly been loyal to their mission and purpose this issue would have been cleared up years ago and Shinseki would still have a job.  Should he? No. He had 6 years to utilize his executive experience to inspect, evaluate, assess, reform and did virtually nothing of significance that I am aware.

They memory of the Government executives who used tax dollars to fund lavish conferences and conventions in resorts and the picture of the gold chained grinning civil servant toasting us from a bath tub overlooking Las Vegas is still very much fresh.

It is in this realm that I fault president Obama and his leadership competency. The same criticism I level at Shinseki applies as well to president Obama and his crew.


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