The Biblical Christian Position: LBGT & all other letters that will be added.

The short answer? Simply, The Lord says, "No."

It is what He says it is. Call it what you want, call it a cop out, a crutch, or the opium of the masses, I am not concerned with your thoughts on the matter, Just the Lords. God's position is my position.

I do not subscribe nor do the vast majority of Christians, to the premise that the Lord hates "fags" as they say. The Lord is quite clear in that He Loves us ALL more than we can truly grasp.  Would you sacrifice your first born son?
Those that do publicly protest the non-biblical view that God hates anyone will be held accountable as well as does more harm to the Christian cause fighting the "good fight" against moral relativism.  

Love your enemies! Do good to them! Lend to them! And don't be concerned that they might not repay. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to the unthankful and to those who are wicked.
Luke 6:35 (NLT) 

 I believe in the inerrancy of the Holy Bible as it was originally inspired to the men & women of God who had a heart for & sought Him. Anyone who feels they can take any verse(s) of scripture & water it down, explain it away or frankly simply blacken it out then those very same folk can do so with any issue of the Lords that doesn't fit into their human popularity plan.  Simply put they place the approval of man over Gods.

 I'm not against God, I'm against the misuse of God.
Marilyn Manson 

It is far safer, beneficial & closer to God's Truth to take the Holy Bible literally than not.  I also advise that it is imperative to not just look at one or two topical verses without juxtaposing those same verses to related verses throughout the Holy Bible.  The 'big' picture is what the Lord wants those who have a heart for Him to see.

We as Christians are given guidance that begins with what I call the 'big 3':
     Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul & mind.
     Treat others as you would have them treat yourself.
     Go & make disciples among all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
     Jesus also said to His early believers, & also meant for Christians today, that if we love Him we will follow His instructions. 

We are also given other guidance re; relations to fellow Christians (spiritually mature & immature) as well as nonbelievers (hostile & non-hostile).  No where in the teachings & message of the New Testament does it instruct Christians to hate anyone. In-fact Christ offers numerous parables illustrating the contrary; to love our brothers & sisters. 

When I stop to offer assistance in my daily walk I dont begin a justification process beginning with, "hold up...are ya a pole dancer?" It doesnt matter to me. The "fill in the blank" sins of an individual are irrelevant to me. Because I am a sinner too. Yes, still. It is my, our, nature to rebel against the Lord. It is my gratitude for His Grace & Love that, despite my state of sin, He still saved me.

Through Christ I am sanctified, justified & blemish free. My sins are as far from me as East is from the West. With regards to the charge of hypocrisy. We are all guilty. I fail to see how I, in striving to live a life pleasing to God, through His Word, that it somehow makes me more of a hypocrite than those who are not.  

I am a new creation in Christ. I was bought at a price. And for such a sacrifice I am ever grateful.  Who do you know that has lived such a selfless, peaceful life and sacrificed Himself for you?  That is His uniqueness.

Salvation's priority does not rest on ones state of sin. If so, none would be 'eligible.' Salvation rests on Hope, Faith & Love: The greatest of these being Love. Romans 10:9 "If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED." 

Tell me where in that verse is the state of ones sin in their life relevant? I believe with all my heart that if anyone has a heart for the Lord, believes the promise of Romans 10-9 that at that very moment the Holy Spirit will fill the empty voids & reside in that individual, for life, and counsel, teach, guide, lead, correct and reprove that soul into a life more pleasing to God.  Once Saved, Always Saved. You can not lose your salvation. It has nothing to do with 'works.'  "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;28and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.29"My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand... John 10:27-29  This means the issue of sin is negated, irrelevant with respect to ones salvation. 

That said, why do I not support Homosexual rights or any other rights of sin for that matter? Because the Lord says 'No.' He tells us clearly it is sin. This can be said of any sin. Fill in the blank. Yet this sin and it's advocates demand American society accept and legitimize homosexuality. I cannot. I will not. 

If I as a grateful Christian claim loyalty, fealty & strive to live an obedient life that pleases the Lord how then can I justify condoning anything where the Lord has clearly established His distaste?  Particularly the issue of homosexuality. His views are quite clear on this issue.  I heard a (secular) 'religious' professor that the 'metaphor' of Sodom & Gomorrah was not really about homosexuality or any other sexual sin it was about being 'rude.'  Seriously? Really? I am not convinced he even believed his own 'translation.' If you agree than you really have drank the anti-Lord kool-aid.   

Anywho... in the final analysis the issue of 'fill in the blank' sin is quite clear for Christians. God says no so I say no. It is that simple.  

I have read arguments to the effect that if you take the moral vis a vis Biblical issue out of the equation then the 'victim-less' argument against homosexuality crumbles. That I will concede.  Though I am unmoved. My reply to that line of thought is that this country was, as well as, it's judicial, executive, legislative & educational system founded on the very same moral absolutes of the Holy Bible. Other than our judicial systems very foundation these absolutes gives us three things we as Americans benefit from to this day: 

A system that allows us to correct our historic wrongs albeit slowly it seems at times. 

The riches of His blessings (wealth, security & world influence). Up to at least 11 September 2001.

Dependable consistency. God & His people have not lowered their moral bar. But yall have and now that you have you will continue to lower it. Each time any aspect of your political coalitions demand.  The thing is you & yours are not happy now, nor will you ever be. Your energy expenditure is based on 'feelings' & a misdirected political morality to find the contentment your soul yearns for. This is the absolute danger of a non-absolute moral compass.  So, tell me...where are all yall now drawing the 'new' moral line: Today? Next year? 10 years from now?  At what age is it illegal to have consensual sex with a minor?  Teacher/student? Man/boy? Animal marriage? Necrophilia? Polygamy? What is the minimal age a parent has the right to deny their child from intercourse? 18 now, but not really. 16? 14? 13? And Tranny rights? three rest room legislation? Hers, His & Shims? No? They get to use whatever? Then it is all based on deception. "Dont know wont hurt'em." Our rights don't count then. Take an honest poll. Like the majority of Americans are morally right in refusing to condone homosexuality the same about all the others.

By now you should start getting understanding the concept that the farther we push God away the worse things are & will become.  It doesnt take a genius to compare the punishments and trials of Israel in the Old Testament to see what happens when we thumb our noses at God as individuals & as a nation. 

Why now? Because yall made it an issue now & the Good Lord did not make me to sit idly by and watch a blessed nation & it's people continue to deteriorate. If you want to live like a heathen go live in France with Johnny Dep. If you speak an untruth I will stand against you and counter. If you seek to rally support I will do likewise in opposition. God does not need me or my pitiful offerings of sweat or money.  I dont have to give. I get to.  I will fight the good fight. It is who I am. It is what I am about. My entire life is a testimony.  We already have a rally point in a fellow, albeit less than articulate leader; Mr Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame. He had the courage to stand for God in his moment of truth when he was cornered by the media and he passed.  He and his family will be blessed for his faith & loyalty.

Will you pass your public moment of truth?  What side of the fence will you stand?  Jesus said you are either for Him or against Him.  Lukewarm fence-sitters? Thats a no-go too. Might as well say your agin Him.  Not my words....His.

Call me what you will. I will not be swayed. Label me as you see fit. It does not matter. Only Gods thoughts are my concern. Gods Word, His guidance and message, I'm convinced, is the only true way to live a moral joy filled life.  I will add here that the Biblical 'version' one reads is highly relevant. There are so many vying for man approval they have written their own versions that so many of yall use as sources today.

 Man is the corrupter of Christianity. What God founded and man destroyed in the garden of Eden was relationship. Don't look at the failed examples of religion. Look to God. (Through His written Word) 
Mike Eaton 

If your hungry I will feed you, Exposed? I will share my house with you. Cold? my warmth & clothes. Alone, lost? Time & attention. I am not better than any... nor... am I worse.  Frankly, honestly I am not even a 'good' Christian. Just a man  who is just trying to make both ends meet.  Yet, many yall believe that pointing out my faults will deter me from standing up?  I would say yall dont know me. I am but one, but one most thankful for the most gracious plan of life & salvation. That is sufficient for me.  I am so grateful, in fact, I desire to live a life according to His will.  You live your live according to whose will?  Oh, yeah, right...your own.

        posted from the blog: http://aintthatthetruth.blogspot.com/2011/11/fall-of-elca-evangelical-lutheran.html?m=0

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