Crowd Sourced Research Request of #FoxNews #GOPDebate: What does it mean that 24 Million Watched? @beny_benson @thelastrefuge2 #ccot #pjnet #tcot #South

SITUATION: I'm intrigued by the record shattering 24 million that tuned in to the Fox News GOP debate Thursday evening. As a result I have found myself wondering what the width & depth of that 24 Million watching really means with respect to the state of our union, obama et al & the 2016 election (as well as the smaller satellite elections that will revolve around 2016).

SALUTE: The 24 million viewers of both minor & main GOP Debates hosted by Fox News Thursday evening was the largest ever in terms of cable programming & seems like it is trying to tell me something. But that something is not clear & I want it to be. I want to know the implications of what it means. I want to plug the results into my crystal ball & see what it shows me down the road.  I will also juxtapose this data to past, similar events & their geo-political context to results then.

OUTREACH: I am asking intellectuals & fellow academics to help me 'fast-track' the below research question. The effort to fast track in this manner is a first for me & I hope it's good for you too. Let me know how I can improve my performance for the next time.

SCOPE/Guidance: The 24 million viewers is the focus. What it meant that this many watched? Who were they? Who didnt watch?*
     *Is this counter-scope? I see the 'didnt watch"ers as helping to clarify who did watch. Sense?

     [ ] Technical critique of key players is not a focus of effort. Why? Because it is already being swarmed upon:
          Reference: The Last Refuge: Post Debate Analysis
     [ ] Not interested in general MSM analysis or key propagandists musings, except that I understand that even blind squirrels trip over nuts....sometimes.  If amongst all the Left's noise a scrap of insight was stumbled upon then as objective truthseekers will file these as 'exceptions' & table them for consideration.

Administration: I will work the submitted comments chronologically, organize, fact check & incorporate.

Lets get started! Im excited!

Twitter Link: Fox News GOP Debate #FoxNews #GOPDebate


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