Obama tells Mexico: Illegal children won't stay (right; "You can keep your plan) #tcot #PJNET #ImpeachObama

Obama tells Mexico: Illegal-immigrant children won't get to stay - Washington Times

Seriously? He said this with a straight face. The same straight face he wore when he said, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." Of course you remember that lie. So, let me see if I got this.

The illegal children are encouraged to come from every country in Central & South America, divied up at taxpayer expense,  spread-loaded across the country up at taxpayer expense often to illegals caregivers, are expected to show up for their 'hearing'? The small minority that does show up, up at taxpayer expense has a federally appointed lawyer* waiting for them who tell them to plead for political asylum based on the 'dangers' from whence they came.

Yeah...It's a "You can keep your plan" statement. Which means he already knows the bulk of which will be staying until they get Amnesty 1 pushed through.  It's all smoke & mirrors. I believe it is part and parcel to the Obama Doctrine. Lie, cheat, deceive, designed to stall for time until we are so overwhelmed or totally collapses that there can be no turning back.

Because that is our nations Achilles heel. We do not have the will it seems of rolling-back or overturning the outgoing administrations policies. The new administration tends to pick up where the last left. Obama knows this. It explains completely why he is implementing his liberal doctrine via executive fiat w/out congress.

Provide me with any realistic alternative explanation or theory that fits. bb

*See post: Pro-Bono Lawyers: Most Unaccompanied Border Children Eligible for Amnesty #ccot #tcot #PJNET #Leaders #ImpeachObama http://benybs.blogspot.com/2014/06/pro-bono-lawyers-most-unaccompanied.html

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